Montavue MTZ4040-IRAISMD Starlight Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) with 2K HD Resolution, Built-in Mic, AI/Smart Motion Detect Functionality, and 4x Optical Zoom
Outdoor/Indoor Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) Camera with 4MP STARVIS™ Starlight Image Sensor, Color Night Optics, AI and SMD, and 4x Optical Zoom

Not all PTZ cameras are created equal. The Montavue MTZ4040-IRAISMD Pan-Tilt-Zoom IP camera features the industry-leading 4MP HD STARVIS™ starlight image sensor. Giving you superior low light performance. Unlike other surveillance cameras that use a front-illuminated-type image sensor, this camera's image is acquired through the back side of the sensor where there are no obstacles such as wiring or circuits to interfere with the image. As a result, a wider range of light is collected on the photodiode, achieving higher sensitivity. Moreover, it uses the very first pixel specifically developed for surveillance use in a back-illuminated structure. This Montavue PTZ camera also features a built in audio mic plus AI and Smart Motion Detect technology. You will also get 30FPS video recording at 4MP 2K HD resolution a 4x optical zoom and 16x digital zoom, smart motion alerts, email alerts and snapshots, and a secure SSL/HTTPS connection.